29 Mar

A Mother’s Journey

  My name is Hina Khan and I am from Hyderabad, Pakistan. I’m about to narrate a mother’s journey – my journey. My son, Muhammad Khan, was diagnosed with ASD when he was just eighteen months old.   I noticed that my son had stopped responding to his name and had begun to ignore social […]


28 Mar

Autism Myths: Debunked

  Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects communication, social interaction, and behaviour. Despite being widely researched and studied in recent years, it still remains misunderstood. As a result, several myths and misconceptions surround ASD. These myths can lead to stigma, and discrimination against individuals with autism and their families. In this […]


22 Mar

My Story: The Lost Boy

  Autism and special needs education is just beginning to gain traction in Pakistan. However, children born with autism are not new. It’s sad to think that as recently as a decade ago, children with special needs were completely ignored, and their existence shut off from the rest of the world.   We asked people […]


21 Mar

A Parent’s Grief

  A Parent’s Grief All names in this blog have been changed to protect the identity of the people.   In 2017, Nabila’s younger daughter (aged 3 years and 3 months) was diagnosed with Autism. It turned her world upside down. In the following weeks, she felt that she was going through the motions without […]


17 Mar

Supermom: Autism Parenting in Pakistan

About the Contributor: Alyna Baig is a mom of two amazing boys. Her eldest son is on the Autism Spectrum. She founded Autism Resource Group on Facebook, which is one of the largest online communities for autism parenting in Pakistan.    My Journey As a mom of a child with autism, my journey has been […]


12 Mar

Understanding Autism

As we race toward the end of the first quarter of the 21st Century, we are still a long way away from fully understanding autism. Because Autism Awareness Day looms ahead – 2nd April, we decided to do something helpful. In this blog, we explain what autism is, how to identify it and some other […]


1 Mar

Parents Beware: Malpractices Under Our Noses

  There is always someone taking advantage of a lack of knowledge. And some are – knowingly or unknowingly – at the root of the malpractice problem within the special needs education sphere. Based on our experience with people, directly or indirectly, we have compiled a few things which can help parents make critical choices.  […]


24 Feb

New Beginnings

  In the late 1990s, I moved to Canada. Soon afterwards, I received my teaching license and began working in a school. The schools in Canada were a far cry from my teaching experience in Pakistan. I was not prepared for the culture shock within the education system. It was then that I heard whispers […]