19 Jul

I Can Hear Everything

  I don’t speak much, but I can hear everything. Mama, baba, my brother Ahmed and everyone else calls me Yusuf. I will be five years old in exactly 157 days. I love dinosaurs. And I hate getting wet, but Mama says good boys must get a bath every day. That’s the worst time. Our […]


22 Mar

My Story: The Lost Boy

  Autism and special needs education is just beginning to gain traction in Pakistan. However, children born with autism are not new. It’s sad to think that as recently as a decade ago, children with special needs were completely ignored, and their existence shut off from the rest of the world.   We asked people […]


21 Mar

A Parent’s Grief

  A Parent’s Grief All names in this blog have been changed to protect the identity of the people.   In 2017, Nabila’s younger daughter (aged 3 years and 3 months) was diagnosed with Autism. It turned her world upside down. In the following weeks, she felt that she was going through the motions without […]


14 Mar

5 Things to Make Your Child Behave

  Positive reinforcement theory has been around for decades.  As a Behaviour Management Therapist in Pakistan, I am surprised by how underrated positive reinforcement is. I will share 5 things to make your child behave. These are based on positive reinforcement. I often employ it in my class. And the results are phenomenal. But the […]


12 Mar

Understanding Autism

As we race toward the end of the first quarter of the 21st Century, we are still a long way away from fully understanding autism. Because Autism Awareness Day looms ahead – 2nd April, we decided to do something helpful. In this blog, we explain what autism is, how to identify it and some other […]


1 Mar

Parents Beware: Malpractices Under Our Noses

  There is always someone taking advantage of a lack of knowledge. And some are – knowingly or unknowingly – at the root of the malpractice problem within the special needs education sphere. Based on our experience with people, directly or indirectly, we have compiled a few things which can help parents make critical choices.  […]