4 May

Living with My Husband

Children with autism, grow up to be… adults with autism. That is a barebones fact. Children may learn to adapt, but autism isn’t an infection that goes away. Because the world is only just opening its eyes to what autism looks like, many people around us may have autism, without anyone ever suspecting. Today’s blog […]


23 Apr

The Parent Trap

Growing up, The Parent Trap (1998) was one of my favourite movies. However, while the post has been titled after the movie, there is no resemblance. This blog covers pitfalls and traps parents often find themselves in.   Parenting is Tough The first humans (the predecessors of modern humans) walked this earth about a million […]


18 Apr

Raising Successful Children

It’s 2023 and the word is changing rapidly. Raising successful children may sound like a daunting task for parents. But it is up to them to equip their children necessary skills, which enable them to navigate through this complex and fast-paced life. In this blog, we will explore some strategies that will help parents raise […]


16 Apr

Latest Autism News

  For the first time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported on its efforts to expand the tracking of children with autism to include teens. Previous reports have covered four and 8-year-old children on the spectrum.   The US federal agency has examined and researched the prevalence of autism among 8-year-olds […]


15 Apr

Happy Holidays, Happy Kids

Why Holidays are Important for Your Child’s Development Eid is upon us! So we thought we can explore some reasons holidays are great for kids! Today’s blog discusses the importance of holidays for school kids and how they learn important concepts.   Many kids today feel the stress from the pressure placed on them to […]


10 Apr

Autism: Latest Stats and Prevalence 2023

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released 2020 data on the prevalence of autism in the United States. According to this, nearly one child in 36 8-year-olds has autism. The 2018 estimate was 1 in 44 children. This means that there has been a 20% increase since 2018. However, researchers say this reflects increased […]


6 Apr

Childhood Trauma: More than Sticks and Stones

  Childhood trauma can have a profound and long-lasting impact on children’s mental and emotional well-being. This blog explores how parents can, intentionally or unintentionally, inflict it upon their children. Names have been changed to protect identity.   Abdul Rahman is a 32 year old IT professional. He thinks he’s pretty good at what he […]


1 Apr

6 Reasons Moms Should Not Be Their Child’s Therapist

  There are good reasons why we think moms should not be their child’s therapist! We are sure we will receive flak for this hot take. But truth must prevail.   Autism, ADHD and other disorders are complex. To manage them effectively, children need someone with  specialized knowledge and training. Parents, specifically mothers, play an […]


31 Mar

Strange Tales

  Mental illness is discussed, but we often must recognize it and take appropriate action. And sometimes, we do recognise it, but there is little that we can do. In this strange but true story, names have been changed to protect the identities of the people involved.   There were two siblings,  Ameera (6 years […]


30 Mar

Early Interventions for Autism

  Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects communication, social interaction, and behaviour. Early intervention is crucial for positive outcomes for children with autism by providing them with the skills and support they need to thrive in the world. In this article, we will explore the importance of early interventions for autism and different approaches […]