Parenting Styles in 2023

parenting styles in 2023


Parenting styles are the different ways in which parents raise their children. There are many different parenting styles, but in 2018, researchers identified the 4 main styles: authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and neglectful. In this article, we dive into the various parenting styles and their pros and cons.


We hope that by the time the article ends, readers will be able to determine what type of parents they are (let us know in the comments below).


Authoritarian Parenting

Authoritarian parents are very strict and demanding. They set clear rules and expectations for their children and expect them to follow them without question. Authoritarian parents often use punishment to discipline their children and do not give them much input into decision-making.


Pros of Authoritarian Parenting

  • Children of authoritarian parents tend to be well-behaved and respectful.
  • They are also more likely to do well in school and in life.


Cons of Authoritarian Parenting

  • Children of authoritarian parents may feel like they are not being heard or respected.
  • They may also be more likely to rebel against their parents as they grow older.


Authoritative Parenting

Authoritative parents are firm but fair. Such parents tend to create and maintain positive relationships with their children. They set clear rules for their children, but they also explain the reasons for those rules, consequences and expectations. Authoritative parents listen to their children and give them some input into decision-making. They also use positive reinforcement to discipline their children.


Pros of Authoritative Parenting

  • Children of authoritative parents tend to be happy, healthy, and successful.
  • They are also more likely to be well-behaved and respectful.


Cons of Authoritative Parenting

  • Authoritative parenting can be more time-consuming than other parenting styles.
  • It can also be more challenging, as parents need to balance being firm and fair.


Permissive Parenting

Permissive parents are very lenient. They do not set many rules or expectations for their children, and they rarely discipline their children. Permissive parents often give their children everything they want, and they do not expect their children to take responsibility for their actions.


Pros of Permissive Parenting

  • Children of permissive parents tend to be happy and carefree.
  • They are also more likely to be creative and independent.


Cons of Permissive Parenting

  • Children of permissive parents may struggle to follow rules and take responsibility for their actions.
  • They may also be more likely to engage in risky behaviours.


Neglectful Parenting

Neglectful parents are not involved in their children’s lives. When parents are neglectful, they don’t spend much time with their children. Disinterest in their child is evident when they don’t care about their child’s schooling, homework etc. Neglectful parents are also ignorant about their child’s friends, whereabouts and safety. They do not set any rules or expectations for their children, and they do not discipline their children. Neglectful parents often do not fulfil their children’s basic needs like food and clothing.


Pros of Neglectful Parenting

There are no pros to neglectful parenting.


Cons of Neglectful Parenting

Neglectful parenting can have serious consequences for children. Children of neglectful parents may be at risk for physical and emotional harm. They may also have difficulty forming relationships and succeeding in school and in life.


parenting styles


Which Parenting Styles Are Highly Effective and Relevant Today?

The most effective parenting style is authoritative parenting. Authoritative parents can balance being firm and fair and provide their children with the love, support, and guidance they need to grow into happy, healthy, and successful adults.


In 2023, there are a number of new parenting trends that are emerging. Focus on personal engagement is a growing trend. Parents are spending more time with their children and doing activities together. This helps to build strong relationships between parents and children.


Finally, there is a trend towards more open and honest communication between parents and children. Parents are talking to their children about difficult topics. This helps to prepare children for the challenges of life.


The parenting styles most effective in 2023 are those based on love, respect, and understanding. Parents who can provide their children with a safe, supportive, and nurturing environment will help their children grow into happy, healthy, and successful adults.


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